Post by cherper on Jun 1, 2011 12:06:25 GMT
Sir Finnegan did great last night, considering being away from siblings for the first time. I let him sleep in his pen in his bed. Mainly because he was already asleep in there and i didn't want to bother him. He started to whimper at 6 am and so i put him in with leila and that seemed to stop that. I heard leila correct him about something or other a few times but no more crying. Then when i got up i found him in the corner behind her bed on the cold hard floor curled up. That rotten leila probably wouldn't share her snuggle sack!!! So i scooped him up and put him back in his bed with his blankey. Poor baby! He even peed and pood on his potty pad during the night, in the dark!! So proud And he LOVES being touched so much and just snuggles against you and falls back onto his back hoping for a belly rub!! ;D
Post by Kristi on Jun 1, 2011 14:06:25 GMT
Awwwww so glad he did so well! Naughty greedy Leila not sharing her snuggle sack! TSK TSK!
Post by Paula on Jun 1, 2011 14:12:08 GMT
Aww I'm so glad he did well, yay! That's sad he got pushed on to the floor though. Leila is going to need to learn to share!
Post by cherper on Jun 1, 2011 14:38:04 GMT
I was pretty disappointed in leila!!! Grrr!
Post by brodysmom on Jun 1, 2011 14:58:18 GMT
He sounds like such a good boy. So happy for you. I'm sure that he and Leila will be sharing that snuggle sack in no time.
Post by Katy on Jun 1, 2011 21:49:49 GMT
Haha sounds like you found out what all the growling was about! Poor Finn on the floor, what a mean sissy! Glad he did so well for you last night.